Bachelors in Naturopathy & Holistic Medicine

Program Overview

This overview will provide details on the Bachelors in Naturopathy & Holistic Medicine course. Its curriculum involves a combination of alternative biomedical sciences with the latest developments in naturopathy while continuing to maintain a holistic approach.

This course’s curriculum has been designed in such a way that students can seamlessly move up to the next corresponding level after completing their Bachelors degree.

The Bachelors in Naturopathy and Holistic Medicine course uses a blended learning approach wherein students both young and mature alike will learn topics such as anatomy, physiology, pathology, biochemistry, pharmacology, medical laboratory science, cell and molecular biology, naturopathic nutrition, clinical nutrition, history and philosophy of naturopathic medicine, naturopathic medicine, toxicology, emunctorology (the science of detoxification),  clinical skills and differential diagnosis, psychology and human behavior, homeopathic medicine, herbal medicine, iridology, naturopathic cholesterol management, nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics, hair tissue mineral analysis, nutritional microscopy, Bach remedies for mental health, Su Jok therapy, naturopathic sexology and more.


The Bachelor in Naturopathy and Holistic Medicine follows a sequential course of study wherein students steadily build upon a solid foundation of biomedical & clinical sciences (anatomy and physiology, pathology, medical laboratory sciences, cell & molecular biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and more).

Additionally, the Bachelors in Naturopathy and Holistic Medicine degree includes a vast array of study material which includes but is not limited to naturopathy, naturopathic and clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, energy medicine, bio-resonance, emunctorology, toxicology, iridology, research methods, and biostatistics, differential clinical diagnosis, naturopathic treatment of cholesterol, nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics, psychology and human behavior, Bach remedies for mental health, Su Jok therapy, & naturopathic sexology.

By finishing the course’s curriculum and program, students will have completed the following needed requirements to qualify for graduation:

  1. Demonstrated competency in the didactic & clinical portions of the program in line with the school’s standards through a blended learning approach
  2. Completion of a satisfactory thesis paper in line with the school’s standards

Schedule of Curriculum

Timetable3 Years
No. of Semesters3 Trimesters
Total Number of Units
Year 164 Units
Year 262 Units
Year 364 Units



Subject CodeTopic
BNHM6001Anatomy and Physiology
BNHM6002Pathology for Natural Medicine
BNHM6003Intro Medical Diagnostic Lab
Subject CodeTopic
BNHM6004Cell & Molecular Biology
BNHM6005Biochemistry & Lab
BNHM6006History & Philosophy of Naturopathic Medicine
BNHM6008Emunctorology – The Science of Detoxification
Subject CodeTopic
BNHM6009Naturopathic Nutrition
BNHM6010Naturopathic Medicine
BNHM6011Clinical Skills & Differential Diagnosis


Subject CodeTopic
BNHM6012Homeopathic Medicine
BNHM6013Herbal Medicine
Subject CodeTopic
BNHM6015AUnderstanding Holistic Integrative Medicine
Shifting the Health-Care Paradigm
BNHM6015BUnderstanding Holistic Integrative Medicine
BHNM6015CNutrigenomics and Pharmacogenomics
You Are More Than Your Genes
BHNM6015DNutritional Medicine I – Food Matters
BHNM6015ENutritional Medicine II- Not All Foods Are Created Equal
BHNM6015FNatural Approaches to Inflammation
BHNM6016ANutritional Medicine III
Food Sensitivity and the Elimination Diet
BHNM6016BNutritional Medicine IV – Vitamins and Supplements
BHNM6016CBotanical Pharmacy and Herbal Remedies
BHNM6016DLowering Cholesterol Naturally
BHNM6016ETreating High Blood Pressure Naturally
BHNM6016FTreating Diabetes Naturally
BHNM6017ANaturopathic Approaches to Mental Health I
BHNM6017BNaturopathic Approaches to Mental Health II –
Turning Strength into Strength
BHNM6017COriental and Chinese Medicine
BHNM6017DNaturopathic Approaches to Mental Health III
BHNM6017EBiofield Therapies
BHNM6017FMedical Sociology – The Power of Love
BHNM6018ASpirituality in Health I
BHNM6018BSpirituality in Health II
Components of Spiritual Wellness
BHNM6018CNaturopathic Clinical Practice
Applying the Lessons of Natural Healing
BHNM6018DEcology and Health
BHNM6018EEnvironmental and Community Health: Healthy People, Healthy Planet
BHNM6018FMedical Psychology: You are Your Own Best Medicine
Subject CodeTopic
BNHM6019Clinical Nutrition
BNHM6020Naturopathic Diabetic Management
BNHM6021Research Methods & BioStatistics – Pt 1


Subject CodeTopic
BNHM6023Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics
BNHM6024Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
BNHM6025Psychology & Human Behaviour
Subject CodeTopic
BNHM6026Naturopathic Cholesterol Management
BNHM6027Bach Remedies for Mental Health
Subject CodeTopic
BNHM6028Su Jok Therapy
BNHM6029Naturopathic Sexology
BNHM6030Bachelor Dissertation/Thesis


The students undergoing the Bachelor’s program in Naturopathy & Holistic Medicine are required to yield a minimum of 100 pages for their dissertation.

Students are free to pick and choose a topic of interest for them and are expected to intensively research the available literature for their chosen topic. Before beginning the actual testing phase for their study, students must first complete their Research Methodology & Biostatistics in order to lay a solid foundation for their proposed hypothesis.

These requirements are done in order to not just discover new findings in a student’s field of interest but also serve as a way to go over and critique the existing literature on the topic in order to compare and contrast it with the student’s research. Students will be strictly monitored all throughout the research process to guide them.

Why do we need a Bachelor’s Dissertation

The goal is to properly prepare and guide students into becoming professionals in this discipline. This dissertation is meant to impart the ability to conduct independent, original, and significant research to students. With the successful completion of this dissertation, it will show that a student is able to:

  1. Apply methods appropriately
  2. Properly collect data
  3. Critically analyze and judge all evidence
  4. Clearly discuss findings
  5. Produce publishable results
  6. Engage in a sustained piece of research or argument
  7. Think and write critically and coherently
  8. Identify and define problems
  9. Generate good questions and logical hypotheses
  10. Review and succinctly summarize the literature

This dissertation will indicate that a student has obtained sufficient mastery over their topic after going through the rigorous educational process, having accumulated enough knowledge and a solid foundation on the many topics involving Naturopathy & Holistic Medicine.

Clinical Practicum

Is there a required minimum number of hours of clinical practice to complete my course?

Yes. Clinical practicums are essential as students are given the hands-on experience they need in a holistic medicine center with a certified and experienced Naturopath to ensure that they receive the necessary training as aspiring degree holders of this course.

This period of practice within holistic medicine centers during the course of this degree imparts the crucial experience of interacting with real patients with real health issues. Thanks to this, students are given ample opportunities to put into practice the vast knowledge theoretical knowledge they’d collected throughout the entirety of the course. Thus, this knowledge is then converted into actual diagnostic and therapeutic interventions for patients. Additionally, on-field training gives students a chance to use all the different diagnostic and therapeutic equipment employed in the practice of naturopathy and holistic medicine.

Am I required to do my clinical practicum in specific countries or centers around the world?

Due to the pandemic which made travel more difficult for most people, students are encouraged to research their local naturopathic & holistic centers for ease of travel.

However, the school reserves the right to let these centers go under a process of review to ascertain if they are truly holistic and naturopathic centers run by experienced naturopaths.

Naturopathic Associations are strict in their protocols in that they do not accept aspiring naturopaths who do not undergo the minimum required number of clinical practicum. The supervising naturopath will record and validate the hours of hands-on practice a student has done.

Do I have to pay a fee for the clinical practicum?

Depending on the holistic center and supervising naturopath, students may or may not require a fee. Some centers allow students to shadow them with their help being counted as payment enough, while others may ask for a small fee. Students will need to discuss the conditions for the practicum with their chosen center.