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Bachelors Degree in Holistic Medicine
23 posts
Psychology and Human Behavior
All therapists need to understand the fundamentals of psychology and human behavior since they interact with different kinds of people whose personalities, opinions, and thinking processes all differ from one another. Students under this course will study these basic concepts of psychology to give them a solid understanding of this field.
Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics
Nutritional genomics is the study of food and how it directly and or indirectly impacts our genes and how individual genetic differences may compromise or improve the way we intake nutrients from what we eat. It’s recently been rising in popularity due to potential in preventing, impeding, and or treating certain chronic illnesses, and even certain cancers through small but specific dietary changes.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
Despite being a niche topic of interest in the realm of naturopathy, there is much knowledge to be learned from even just a single strand of hair such as a person’s metabolic rate, current stage of stress, immune system health, and adrenal & thyroid glandular activity.
Detoxification & Toxicology
All students studying any branch of naturopathy need an excellent foundation to build upon and as such, the study of toxins which includes but isn’t limited to their effects on health and detoxification procedures is vital for all aspiring practitioners.
Su Jok Therapy
This course teaches students Su Jok Therapy as a way to heal patients by making use of energy points on the hands and feet. This Korean method of healing was formulated by Prof. Park, Jae Woo.
Homeopathic Medicine
This course focuses on the study of homeopathy and how natural substances can affect the body in such a way that further stimulates the natural healing process. Homeopathy has been used for centuries already and it is the aim of this course to impart this priceless knowledge upon all its students as a powerful healing tool.
Bioresonance Diagnostics Online Practicum
This practical training course will teach students using live videos of previous clinical practicums held in Larnaca, Cyprus by Dr. George Georgiou, bioresonance lecturer, practitioner, and researcher.
Bach Flower Medicine For Mental Health
This course is designed to give students a thorough understanding of the Bach flower remedies in order for them to utilize this knowledge within clinical settings upon completion of the course.
The Science of Natural Healing Diploma Course
This diploma course explores the natural methods available to heal the body and improve health.
The Science of Natural Healing diploma course is a series of 24 videos that cover a variety of topics in natural healing.
Pharmacology Course
This pharmacology course contains video-based lessons covering basic definitions, pharmacodynamics, cholinergic drugs, antidepressants, antiarrhythmic drugs, diuretics, hypertension, antihypertensives, and other related topics.
Pathology for Natural Medicine Online Course
This online Pathology for Natural Medicine diploma course is designed to help people who practice Holistic Medicine to better understand the orthodox medical system’s core principles. This course is not a general pathology course found in the curriculum of a medical school; rather, it is tailored specifically for practitioners of holistic medicine.
Introduction to Medical Diagnostic Lab Course
This course covers a variety of topics in laboratory science:
Identifying different morphologies in blood, distinguishing numerous parasites and microorganisms, and culturing urine samples. These topics are important for understanding health and disease.
Clinical Skills and Differential Diagnosis Course
The Clinical Skills and Differential Diagnosis course is designed to help students learn how to examine different parts of the body to determine the presence of potential medical problems.
Cell and Molecular Biology Course
Cell biology (Cytology) is the study of the structure and function of cells. Furthermore, it discusses how cells work and how their properties—such as metabolism, composition, cycle, and signaling—are related to their surroundings.
Biochemistry and Lab Course
Biochemistry is the study of the structures, functions, and interactions of biological macromolecules—such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids. Furthermore, the interactions between ions and smaller molecules affect the chemistry of the cell.