Naturopathic Nutrition

This course focuses on the study of nutrition through a naturopathic lens wherein students learn to incorporate a traditional and natural approach to nutritional therapy. This includes but is not limited to— food selection, preparation, and how food and the nutrients they contain can directly affect health in terms of speeding up the healing process. 

Herbal Medicine

This course is intended to give students the necessary knowledge on Herbal Medicine which includes but is not limited to— basic knowledge of local herbs, therapeutic capabilities of certain herbs, proper preparation of herbal remedies, pharmacognosy, the right dosages & prescriptions, and especially which herbs can improve certain illnesses alongside the tried and tested formulas which make use of them.

Naturopathic Medicine

This course includes the necessary knowledge for aspiring naturopathy practitioners or scholars interested in studying basic principles and natural & alternative therapies. Naturopathy itself is based on the study and practice of the human body’s innate capacity of healing itself and how it can be encouraged further through natural means. This course compiles the wisdom and practices discovered centuries past and is guided by modern natural knowledge.